4 Things You Can Do Today to Make the World a Better Place

As the harmful effects of human waste and contaminants become more well-known, more people around the world are looking to find ways to take part in the conservation movement.

Because this is such a pressing global issue, it can be overwhelming to figure out where to start your journey. Here are four easy ways that you can participate in the conservation effort, starting today:

Stay Informed

Lemur Announcement

One of the best ways that you can help the conservation movement is to stay informed about the latest news and efforts to help the causeBecause this is such an important social issue, there are growing amounts of publications devoted to keeping people informed, educated, and engaged.
By staying on top of the latest research, you can ensure that you understand the foundations of conservation and how you can act in meaningful and purposeful waysFortunately, there are a variety of ways to stay abreast of the issue.
A couple of our favorite places to keep up-to-date on conservation news is MongaBay.com and Google News. Facebook groups are also good places to connect with others who care about these issues.

Reduce Plastics

Plastic bottles in shopping cart on beach
Because plastic is not biodegradable, they're especially risky to the environment. According to Fluent Conveyors, "A lot of the time these low to no value plastics end up in the landfill instead of being recycled.
Many places have passed laws and regulations to prevent this in the disposal of electronics, but plastics from most other sources do not have similar regulations in place. Even with electronics, the laws' effectiveness is questionable. Plastic bags and straws are especially dangerous to birds and marine life because they mistake them for food.
Once you understand what happens to plastics that don't get recycled, you will understand why it's so imperative to reduce the use of these materials to protect the environment and the animals we share the Earth with.
We recommend watching the documentary A Plastic Ocean about the effect our plastic problem is having on the environment.

Volunteer for Cleanup Groups

Cleaning up
Many communities have groups dedicated to cleaning up the environment. Volunteering to help with this effort is a simple and effective way to show your support and provide an example for others.
Whether it's in local parks, beaches, or forests, there is always the opportunity to clean up and give back. A good clean-up activity is river cleaning, as most states have one, and it's a great way to get our into nature and meet some like-minded people.
According to Budget Dumpster, rivers are often litter magnets, and unfortunately, around 40% of them have been declared too dirty to swim in. So head over to your local river clean up organization and volunteer to help for a day.
Also keep an eye out on World Cleanup Day. Each year, millions of people around the world get together and hold events and spend the day (or weekend, or week!) cleaning up their local community.

Think Local

Farmer's Market stand

Buying your food locally gives you the opportunity to engage with the community and make sure your food comes from sustainable resourcesBy eliminating the middleman, you can feel good about doing your part to protect the environment.

Plus, according to Food Revolution, “locally grown produce may be safer. When they are imported and out of season, fruits like tomatoes, bananas, and pears are often picked unripe. And then, they are artificially “ripened” with ethylene gas.”

With a little thoughtful action and careful consideration, everyone can do their part to contribute to global conservation efforts - something we believe in very strongly. Not only does this make a big impact on the present, but it also carries over into the future and preserve the planet for future generations.

What do you do to help make the world a better place?

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