This is a guest post from Lucía Rodríguez Valverde, Director of the Lemur Conservation Network - one of the amazing organizations we support. Thank you Lucia!
Hello Lemur Bags fans!
This week, the World Lemur Festival (WLF) starts, a very important series of events for lemur conservation. From the last days of October until mid-November, different organizations, zoos and other institutes from all over the world, will host activities where they´ll celebrate lemurs. By raising awareness for lemur conservation and sharing how special lemurs and Madagascar are! The WLF is for everyone - lemur fans and conservation leaders, scientists and artists, teachers and students, kids and parents, and YOU!
Madagascar represents 20% of primates divided into more than 110 species of lemurs that you can only found in the island. 95% of these lemurs, are threatened to extinction and are placed on the IUCN Red List. That is why the festival events are extremely important and necessary.
The first WLF was held in Madagascar in October 2014, where they created different activities to celebrate the value of lemurs and the biodiversity of the island. It was such a success and created such an enormous impact on the Malagasys, that now, the festival is celebrated in the Americas, Europe, Asia, the Indian Ocean Islands and Africa.
You can check all of the World Lemur Festival activities and learn more about the festival at the World Lemur Festival Events Calendar.
Luckily you´ll have an event nearby or you can share your love for lemurs in the online events!
Please if you have any questions, contact us here: http://lemurconservationnetwork.org/about/contact/
Thanks Chris for the opportunity of sharing this important event with the Lemur Bags fans and for your constant support on lemur conservation!
Lucía Rodríguez Valverde
Director of the Lemur Conservation Network