Louisiana is Leaping for Lemurs! Meet the Louisiana Lemur Foundation

Louisiana Lemur Foundation
Pictured from left to right: Jessica Meyer, Tina Aust, Melissa Passman, and Jamie Marks.
Please enjoy this guest post by Louisiana Lemur Foundation co-founder Jessica Meyer!

The Louisiana Lemur Foundation was officially formed in October 2017. A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, LLF promotes lemur conservation, public education, and non-invasive research. Founders Tina Aust and Jessica Meyer were inspired to create the organization back in early 2016 while working as zookeepers caring for lemurs. The team expanded to include Jamie Marks and Melissa Passman, also zookeepers with a passion for prosimians.

The overall goal of the Louisiana Lemur Foundation is to contribute to and participate in lemur conservation efforts both in Madagascar and here in the United States. The main way LLF will do this is via non-invasive research on rescued pet-trade lemurs. Louisiana Lemur Foundation recognizes that there is a desperate need for sanctuary and rehabilitation space for pet-trade lemurs, and would like to help fill that need. The foundation plans to construct and operate the Louisiana Lemur Park, a multi-acre forested research park in the southeast Louisiana area that provides a sanctuary style of living to its lemurs while also contributing to our scientific knowledge about these unique primates. Insight and advice from members of the prosimian expert community will be gathered regularly in order provide the best care for the lemurs the park houses. Another goal of LLF’s park is to be a place of education to the public about all things lemur, including the importance of conservation and biodiversity. The park will be open for guided tours and other events to reach this goal.

The Louisiana Lemur Foundation is committed to lemur conservation, public education, and scientific discovery. It will provide expert care to the lemurs it eventually houses, participate in non-invasive research endeavors, and educate the public about all things lemur including the importance of their conservation and of biodiversity in general. LLF strongly believes that upholding this mission is the best way to ensure the park’s lemurs live the fullest and best lives possible, allowing them to be ambassadors for their species and in turn contribute to lemurs’ survival as a whole.

Currently, the Louisiana Lemur Foundation team is searching for a plot of land on which to build the Louisiana Lemur Park and planning its first fundraiser, a silent auction gala, to be held in June of 2018. For more information about our organization and to get updates on our progress, please like and follow us on Facebook or email us at louisianalemurfoundationltd@gmail.com.

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  • Good luck with your conservation efforts. I look forward to a tour.

    • Karen May
  • So proud of my daughter! Great article!

    • Kerry Meyer